The Case for a Cornish National Parliament
So it might then be asked - “Why is this such a compelling idea? Is such a goal both important and reasonable?”
Well it’s important because Cornwall is being mismanaged by Westminster. Cornwall is ‘habitually’ found to be in the least successful section of most economic metrics compared with the South West and other parts of the UK.
Is this because Cornwall is basically just a basket case that has no hope of ever being better - or is it because Cornwall is basically misunderstood by those who take their direction and philosophy from London based gurus? Gurus who base their expertise on a couple of weeks holiday in their luxury holiday home.
Cornwall has so much going for it. We have farming, fishing, minerals, myriad niche micro food businesses and that’s before you get to the potential for renewable energy and, of course, tourism. The problem is these things aren’t benefitting Cornwall - they are benefitting corporations and organisations outside of Cornwall - throwing up seasonal minimum wage jobs and laundering profits up country.
A parliament, elected here - by the people of Cornwall - and made up of residents of Cornwall with a full time stake in Cornwall’s success would have much greater expertise, local knowledge and experience than people 300 miles away in Westminster.
… and it’s not just the business economics that could be addressed by a Cornish Parliament. A Parliament would be able to take control of the planning system and ensure that development works for the residents of Cornwall and not just the business interests of property speculators. This, in itself, would be a massive boon.
That’s why it’s important. A productive, happy and thriving Cornwall is obviously better for the people of Cornwall - but also better for the UK as a whole.
So then why is it reasonable?
Cornwall is one of the historic nations of Britain along with Scotland and Wales - it deserves the same respect and recognition as Scotland and Wales. If you don’t understand why Cornwall is a nation then study history and note all of times that historians and international commentators have spoken of Cornwall as a nation. Cornwall’s nationhood is indisputably a historical fact. Then ask why Cornish people have been recognisedly the UK government as being a NATIONAL minority. How can this be explained any other way?
The simple truth is that the Cornish have been recognised as having a national identity and Cornwall has all of the other trappings of nationhood such as a distinct national language, culture and territory. The case for Cornish nationhood is not simply reasonable it is incontrovertible.
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